Saturday, October 2, 2010



Ha, this is kind of tongue and cheek, but I'm the site administrator so I guess I get to shamelessly plug my own things. :)
I've started a blog for sharing coupon deals locally. Many items are free. The blog is just getting started (some of you are probably tired of hearing about it) and I need help getting the word out there to those who want to save money from home.
There will be a link in the side bar to the site from now on. Otherwise, go to

Become a fan on facebook as well!

Used Pillows Needed

I am in need of standard size bed pillows, gently used.
I am covering them and making them into dog beds for the our Templeton Home-school to sell at our garage sale and Christmas boutique.
Please remember also to check with Kathy Eckart, she will be sending out info for any of your home-schooled kids to join us (Templeton Unified Home-schoolers) at Jack Creek Farms for a fun fall festival. We will be going on Oct. 11th, at 10am. The cost is 6 dollars per kid but oodles of fun activities planned. We will also go and celebrate an Early American Thanksgiving Nov. 18th if that date works out best for your families.
Thanks and recycle on!!
Mic Bagby 466-5506
"And all those who had believed were together and had all things in common; and they began selling their property and possessions and were sharing them with all, as anyone might have need." Acts 2:44-45