Ha, this is kind of tongue and cheek, but I'm the site administrator so I guess I get to shamelessly plug my own things. :)
I've started a blog for sharing coupon deals locally. Many items are free. The blog is just getting started (some of you are probably tired of hearing about it) and I need help getting the word out there to those who want to save money from home.
There will be a link in the side bar to the site from now on. Otherwise, go to http://www.whatsthedeal4u.blogspot.com/
Become a fan on facebook as well!
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Used Pillows Needed
I am in need of standard size bed pillows, gently used.
I am covering them and making them into dog beds for the our Templeton Home-school to sell at our garage sale and Christmas boutique.
Please remember also to check with Kathy Eckart, she will be sending out info for any of your home-schooled kids to join us (Templeton Unified Home-schoolers) at Jack Creek Farms for a fun fall festival. We will be going on Oct. 11th, at 10am. The cost is 6 dollars per kid but oodles of fun activities planned. We will also go and celebrate an Early American Thanksgiving Nov. 18th if that date works out best for your families.
Thanks and recycle on!!
Mic Bagby 466-5506
I am covering them and making them into dog beds for the our Templeton Home-school to sell at our garage sale and Christmas boutique.
Please remember also to check with Kathy Eckart, she will be sending out info for any of your home-schooled kids to join us (Templeton Unified Home-schoolers) at Jack Creek Farms for a fun fall festival. We will be going on Oct. 11th, at 10am. The cost is 6 dollars per kid but oodles of fun activities planned. We will also go and celebrate an Early American Thanksgiving Nov. 18th if that date works out best for your families.
Thanks and recycle on!!
Mic Bagby 466-5506
Monday, September 20, 2010
Free Air Compressor!
I have an air compressor I would like to pass along. My only request would be that I be able to borrow it if I ever need to use it. I haven't used it in a while, but it worked great last time I did. I got it from my father-in-law a while back so I don't know much about its history. Let me know if you have any questions. Call me or email at mikieborland@gmail.com
(sorry the photo is upside down people...administrator's bad:)
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Free Rooster
We have a darling silkie rooster with a mild crow. Cute as the dickens and has been hand raised so he is very tame . I will deliver and throw in a bag of food.
We bought 'it' at Atas Feed when they had their hatching sale. He is about 5-6 months old.
Even the boys are nurturing and have been known to help incubate eggs.
Mic Bagbe
Contact Mic at mic@bagbyhome.com
Item Taken!
We bought 'it' at Atas Feed when they had their hatching sale. He is about 5-6 months old.
Even the boys are nurturing and have been known to help incubate eggs.
Mic Bagbe
Contact Mic at mic@bagbyhome.com
Item Taken!
Fridge Needed!
The Solomon's need to borrow a refridgerator.
"We ordered a refrigerator today and it isn't going to be delivered until the end of the month. We are moving into our new house next week and are hoping to borrow a refrigerator (dorm sized or regular would be fine) from someone until then".
You can contact the Solomon's at cwsolomon@gmail.com
"We ordered a refrigerator today and it isn't going to be delivered until the end of the month. We are moving into our new house next week and are hoping to borrow a refrigerator (dorm sized or regular would be fine) from someone until then".
You can contact the Solomon's at cwsolomon@gmail.com
Monday, August 9, 2010
Free Commentary Books and Cassette Tapes

1. A complete set of Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Bible.
2. Hundreds of blank cassette tapes and cassette tape cases. These are from Cornerstone Community Church now that we are no longer recording the sermons on tape.
2. Hundreds of blank cassette tapes and cassette tape cases. These are from Cornerstone Community Church now that we are no longer recording the sermons on tape.
Contact Curtis Solomon cwsolomon@gmail.com
Friday, July 23, 2010
Wisbergs Need A Fridge
The Wisbergs refridgerato broke and they are looking for a new one. Hopefully God will provide.
Contact twisberg@att.net
Contact twisberg@att.net
Nate Has More Stuff
*As seen on Nate's home invasion video*
- Set of Adventures in Odyssey cassette tapes titled "Days to Remember"
- A Gateway laptop computer. I bought this computer for college and it served me faithfully for 4 years. The only thing wrong with it is that the power coupling has come loose, meaning that it won't turn on because it isn't getting any power. If someone was willing to tinker around with it, it probably wouldn't be too hard to fix.
- A 18" revolving fan. (*Availability subject to it fitting or not fitting in my car...Let me know if you'd like it and I'll let you know if it doesn't fit. The odds are in your favor here.)
- A Sprint Sanyo cell phone with charger. Works great!
- Large garbage bag full of Men's large clothing.
Contact natejbrooks@gmail.com
- Set of Adventures in Odyssey cassette tapes titled "Days to Remember"
- A Gateway laptop computer. I bought this computer for college and it served me faithfully for 4 years. The only thing wrong with it is that the power coupling has come loose, meaning that it won't turn on because it isn't getting any power. If someone was willing to tinker around with it, it probably wouldn't be too hard to fix.
- A 18" revolving fan. (*Availability subject to it fitting or not fitting in my car...Let me know if you'd like it and I'll let you know if it doesn't fit. The odds are in your favor here.)
- A Sprint Sanyo cell phone with charger. Works great!
- Large garbage bag full of Men's large clothing.
Contact natejbrooks@gmail.com
Friday, July 9, 2010
Help Needed!
I have signed up for a free art class on 7-10-10 from 9:30-12:30.
I would like to find someone to stay with my mom.
Kat Shuder
I would like to find someone to stay with my mom.
Kat Shuder
Monday, June 28, 2010
Ice Chest Needed To Borrow
We are in need to borrow a ice chest for Spirit West Coast. leaving 6-29-10
Kat Shuder
Kat Shuder
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Free Child Hangers
I have a bunch of kid hangers to give away (the last set is going out at our house..*snif*:(
They are red and white mostly.
There are tons!
They are red and white mostly.
There are tons!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Looking For Camera and MP3 Hand-me-downs
The Osbornes are looking for a second hand camera (digital). Ours died and if anyone has one that they don't need but still works, that would be wonderful.
Also, we are looking for an older MP3 player if anyone has upgraded to a new one and has a old one sitting around.
Also, we are looking for an older MP3 player if anyone has upgraded to a new one and has a old one sitting around.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Free Men's Clothing
1 large bag of Men's large clothes
1 large bag of Men's small clothes (including 3 pairs of 32x30 dress pants)
Nate Brooks natejbrooks@gmail.com
1 large bag of Men's small clothes (including 3 pairs of 32x30 dress pants)
Nate Brooks natejbrooks@gmail.com
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Free Fridge and Cabinet
Need Watch
Looking for: A watch for Evan to take to summer camp. His bit the dust! Preferable digital and somewhat water resistant.
email Christina G. at gill.ham@sbcglobal.net
email Christina G. at gill.ham@sbcglobal.net
Free Boys Clothes
Two Trader Joe bags full of boys clothes. Swim shorts, pants, shorts, shirts, sweaters, and pjs. Size large, 14-18. Very good condition (some new without tags) except one pair of Carhart jeans (size 28/30 mens, flannel lined, good work jeans).
Email Christina G. at gill.ham@sbcglobal.net
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Free Couch!
Red Check Couch with throw pillows. - sorry didn't get a photo of those.
The Caldwell's
(or email the site email cornerstonefreecycle@gmail.com to get address.
(This item has been snagged!)
Monday, May 17, 2010
Free Babysitting!
No better way to kick this blog off than with the announcement of free babysitting! Plus it gives me an excuse to post something:)
What: Parents Night Out!
When: May 21st 5:30-9pm
Where: Cornerstone Community Church
Who: Hosted by Larry and Lorraine Jordan
Thank you Larry and Lorraine for your servant hearts.
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"And all those who had believed were together and had all things in common; and they began selling their property and possessions and were sharing them with all, as anyone might have need." Acts 2:44-45